
Survival is our foremost task as biological humans.

Connection to our parents, siblings, ancestors and community is paramount in that survival journey.

Most of us don’t think about our attachment to them often, and yet this defines how safe, secure, open and willing we are with them in any one moment.

What is really fun to know and learn is that we can change the connection to, and attachment to, any person in front of us this right in that moment. Of course some pains and the extent of the past events or drama can effect the openness.

When we drop:

  • Judgments

  • Assumptions

  • Advice giving

    And stand in:

  • Reflective Listening

  • Be wholeheartedly curious

  • Share impact

    We drive neural connections for ourselves and with each other.

    Our nervous system calms, we feel connected. We get our desires and needs met more often, build collaboration and connect to how we really feel in this unique moment. Or we can second guess or be caught up in the past, or be wrapped up in some story with untruths, half-truths, drama and negativity.

So give it a try today. Invite and ask a friend, any human you desire: Would you experiment with me in our conversation right now to drop into these practices? Even for 15 minutes each? Let’s see what happens, it would help me immensely, and our relationship simultaneously.

Go forth, connect, be free, yourself and know that any moment is what it is and the next has new possibilities. At the very least, you can participate in connection practice and thereby connect to yourself - The most important person to be connected to while connecting with others.

Sheila Griffith


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